Teacher of the Year
Nebraska CEC annually awards one $500 scholarship to a Nebraska special education teacher. The scholarship will be awarded to the most qualified applicant, as determined by the Nebraska CEC Scholarship Selection Committee.
All scholarship applications must be emailed to [email protected] by April 15, 2020. The scholarship recipient will be mailed an official award letter and check. She/he will also be invited to our Nebraska CEC conference social event for a reception in their honor. Dates will be sent in the letter. It will be the responsibility of the recipient to provide Nebraska CEC with a current mailing address.
Award Criteria:
Applicants must be a current special education teacher working in a Nebraska school for the 2019-2020 school year. Teachers may nominate themselves or be nominated by others.
Application Process:
To be considered for this award, please submit the following:
- Current resume detailing your involvement in various activities and the community.
- 1-3 letters of recommendation
- 1-3 testimonials from students, parents, colleagues
- Picture Release Form
Application Deadline and Questions:
If you have questions regarding the scholarship application, please contact NE CEC via email to [email protected].
To be considered for award selection, the completed application packet must be emailed to [email protected] no later than April 15, 2020.
Past Winners
- 2019 - Daniel Allan, Millard Public Schools
- 2018 - Shelly Carney, Omaha, NE